Relationships & Sex Education

From September 2020, all primary schools are required by the government to teach Relationships and Health Education.  

At Copperfield Academy, our RSE/PSHE curriculum aims to enable the children at our school to become healthy, responsible and respectful members of society. Through the curriculum, the children are encouraged to become wider thinkers, allowing them to tackle a number of the social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that are part of growing up. The aim of the curriculum is to provide our children with a ‘safe’ environment where they can learn about relationships, being healthy in mind and body, staying safe and what it means to be part of a community. Engaging with this curriculum should encourage our children to recognise their self-worth, foster critical thinking skills and empower them to speak out on local and global issues, developing well-rounded, respectful global citizens. 

Relationships Education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:

–       Families and people who care for me; 

–      Caring friendships; 

–      Respectful relationships; 

–     Online relationships; 

–      Being safe.

Health Education focuses on teaching children about their physical and mental health and well-being and providing strategies to support healthy, positive development, this includes:

–       Mental wellbeing; 

–        Internet safety and harms; 

–        Physical health and fitness; 

–        Healthy eating;

–        Drugs, alcohol and tobacco; 

–        Health and prevention; 

–        Basic first aid; 

–        Changing adolescent body.

If you would like more information about statutory Relationships and Health Education, please click below to read the government guide “Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents”. 

At Copperfield Academy, we have been delivering Relationships and Health Education within our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum.  We have reviewed and re-written our PSHE curriculum ready for September 2020, to make sure that our lessons meet the requirements that the government has set out for the content of Relationships and Health Education.  

We have also updated our PSHE/RSHE policy to reflect the new statutory status for Relationships, Sex and Health Education, which can be found:

In order to develop our curriculum, we ran a parent focus group in February 2020 to discuss the proposed curriculum as part of our policy consultation process.  

Links to our curriculum and other resources that we think may be useful can be found below. As with all areas of your child’s learning, if you have any questions about the curriculum please contact the office.

Useful documents:

Parent booklet – talking to your child about periods

Student booklet – Periods

Department for Education – Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education

Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school – a guide for parents

Useful link:

Information from the Department for Education about the introduction of compulsory Relationships Education and RSE from September 2020

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