Admissions 2026-2027

REAch2 Academy Trust (the Trust), as the admission authority for all of its academies as per the admissions code 2021, is consulting on the admission arrangements for all of its schools. It is the responsibility of the Trust to determine the arrangements for all of its schools, ensuring that they are fully compliant with the admissions code 2021 and other statutory legislation, such as the Equalities Act 2010.

On 4 October 2023, the Trust Board approved several variations to the current arrangements, which seek to add clarity to a number of key definitions within the policy. The new policy also includes more information on how parents can access other admissions related information, including in-year admissions, appeals processes, and Fair Access Protocol’s.

The new policies do not propose any change to the school’s existing over-subscription criteria. The new policy seeks to make clear that children within the final category of the over-subscription criteria are ranked by the distance they live from the school. The Trust has therefore re-named this criterion from ‘other children’ to ‘distance’. Children within that criterion will still be ranked in the same way.

You can find the proposed school policy for 2025/2026 by visiting Academy Directory – REAch2 Academy Trust

The consultation will run from 6 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

We welcome feedback from all stakeholders on the proposed arrangements. Responses to the consultation may be placed by any of the following means: · By email [email protected] · Complete the e-form at

· By post Admissions Consultation, REAch2 Academy Trust, C/O Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy, Henhurst Ridge, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 9TQ

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