Specialist Resource Provision

Copperfield Academy SRP (Opened January 2022)

What is a SRP?

Specialist Resource Provision

PIPS Class

PIPS Class in Copperfield Academy is a Specialist Resource Provision for pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The provision opened in January 2022 and currently supports 15 pupils. Each child has an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP) and a provision plan which is reviewed regularly.

The SRP is led by an experienced Teacher supported by experienced Specialist Support Assistants who support the children within the provision, as well as in their mainstream classes. Children in the SRP are included in all aspects of school life which includes after school clubs, assemblies, school trips, Pupil Parliament and whole school activities.

It is acknowledged that every child is entitled to access the National Curriculum but that pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may require highly individualised planning to meet their needs.

PIPS Class recognizes that pupils with ASD experience developmental difficulties, relating to social interactions, communication, movement, sensory and self-care, and seeks to help pupils address these difficulties whilst supporting their individual needs. The unique pattern of thinking and social behavior displayed by pupils with ASD will be respected at all times.

The aim of the provision is to provide an academic, as well as social, learning experience that will be accessed through purposeful engagement. Pupils will follow a broad and balanced creative curriculum, with an emphasis on developing life skills and independence. The curriculum will be personalized to meet the special educational needs of each pupil.

The aims of PIPS Class are:

To provide a unique and tailored curriculum to meet the needs of each pupil.

To ensure pupils enjoy their education.

To encourage each child to develop effective communication, social and independence skills and to achieve their full potential.

To help each pupil be an active participant in their own learning.

To develop self-care and general life skills.

To create a positive, safe, secure and caring environment.

To develop pupils’ strengths and attributes.

To enable each pupil to be and feel part of the ‘school community’.

Interventions available for children in the SRP include TEACCH, Attention Autism, Lego Therapy, Emotional Literacy, Speech & Language, BEAM, Social Skills and Sensory Activities.

Children within the provision will be dual rolled in the SRP and mainstream provision. Pupils will move fluidly through both classrooms to access various aspects of the school day and/or curriculum based on their personalized plan.

The Local Authority are responsible for SRP placements, and the school then decide whether the SRP is suitable to meet the needs of the child. To be considered for a place in PIPS Class pupils will need to currently hold an Educational Health Care Plan and have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.


National Autistic Society: https://www.autism.org.uk/

Autism South East: https://www.autismsoutheast.co.uk/

The Kent Autistic Trust: https://kentautistictrust.org/

Autism Alliance: https://www.autism-alliance.org.uk/ 

We Are BEAMS: https://wearebeams.org.uk/ 

…all learning is bespoke and as unique as the individuals themselves…



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